A downloadable Forest for Windows


The game is about a fantasy forest theme puzzle game with mythical wildlife and unusual beings. In the game, the player must find the way out of the forest by solving the puzzles and collecting apples. 

This is the first level in which the player will learn the mechanics as well as needs to collect 50 coins to move to the next level. In this level, you have been given only 3 Lives.


WASD or arrow keys to move left and right

Space key to jump

E to trigger the trap

This is a Pre-alpha build, so allow some glitches and issues. Currently, the log is locked even if you collected 50 coins.

Current Know Bugs in the Game:

1-Lives are looped

2-Infinite jumps

3-Jump animation

4-Character goes into the ground(issue with capsule collider)

5-The textures

6- Some trees are not visible or look poly due to rendering distance.

Please give feedback on the game as well as ideas for future development:)

Download Instruction:

Download the below package > extract the file > click on the .exe version. This will allow you to play the game.  Currently, there is no menu to start/ restart the game.

For more updates please follow us on Instagram @ fantasyescape14

The Game is made By:

Momina & Josh :)


Fantasy Escape 149 MB


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This game looks really good. The design looks cool The apples look and the player model looks great. However, with the log before the trap. I was able to go behind the log and fall off. Also, there should be a warning sign or something too tell, what is a platform and what is a deadzone but overall, I think the game is really good.     

This is a really nice game concept. The lighting works well with the scene and the level design is really nice. The assets used work really well with the overall aesthetic and it all fits together. There are a few bugs or additions that could be nice in future development 

  • Can run off the edge off the platform to the left at the very start, a collider to stop this from happening or indication that if the player falls they will lose a life would be good
  • There were a lot of times I didn’t know where I was meant to be going or it would be unclear if jumping off a platform would take you down to another platform or down to the deadzone, a direction indicator like arrows could help for added guidance
  • There was a collider issue with some assets that made the player slip slightly off their axis so the fruit could no longer be collected
  • The moving platforms had a jitter issue for me rather than smooth movement
  • The speed feels a bit slow for the run animation

Really looking forward to playing the final version :)

very cool and interesting game, level design and character looks fun and the environment is nice , one change i would suggest is to make the player run a bit faster as it seems a little too slow